Nicky Byrne may have found fame with Westlife but he's a stand out act in his own right and mainly because of his hotness
omg! asked our Twitter fans to nominate their fave male celeb before we launched a poll to see which of the shortlist were voted the sexiest.
Nicky Byrne won hands down and his super fans tweeted us why they think he won...
1. It's all about the looks for @Scrivey who told us: "It has to be Good ole Nicky Byrne. Have you seen those eyes, hair, smile? #HA"
2. His soft lips are what sealed the deal for @SyaFeehily who choose Nicky Byrne because; "He kissed my lips backstage #Winks!"
3. @adefadilla tweeted us: "I love Nicky because he has a beautiful smile, sexy voice and good taste in fashion .. ;)"
4. For @lesley1976 there was no other choice for the Friday Fittie : "Woohooo @nickybyrneoffic for #fridayfittie gets my vote every time hmmmm x"
5. And as @gonzobyrne puts it, Nicky Byrne is a regular tweeter unlike some celebs which means we can have round-the-clock access to him!
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